Programs for Kindergartens

The guided tour is tailored to primary school children. It takes the form of an attractive presentation that introduces relationships and interesting bits from the plant kingdom. 

Key terms (Fata Morgana Greenhouse): continents, useful plants, plant ecology, adaptation
Key terms (Outdoor Expositions): useful plants, plant kingdom record breakers, plant systematics, geology

Where: Fata Morgana Greenhouse; South Grounds, outdoor expositions; North Grounds, outdoor expositions

Around the world on 225 metres

Where: Fata Morgana Greenhouse

This program introduces the Earth and individual continents using a model. Children assign typical inhabitants to each continent: people, plants, and animals. At the same time, they can see well-known plants in the greenhouse and learn how people use them.

The program is suitable for older children (preschool) who have at least some basic knowledge about the Earth. For younger children, the following programs are more suitable:

We Live in the Tropics

Where: Fata Morgana Greenhouse

In this program, children learn about common tropical useful plants that they may encounter daily. In addition to the plants in the greenhouse, they can touch and smell natural items that are part of the tour. They learn about the tree that holds the heavens and how to use carnivorous plants in the kitchen. They also learn about the relationships between plants and animals.

Trees Large and Small

Where: South Grounds, outdoor expositions

In this program, children learn why trees are important for both humans and animals. They find out how trees can look and what they need to live. A part of the program also focuses on the protection of forests. At the end of the program, children create a tree bark imprint.

Colors in Nature

Where: South Grounds, outdoor expositions

During games and activities in the program, children learn why plants are so colorful and how colors change in nature throughout the year. We also talk about the colors of animals and how humans use colors produced by plants.

Herbs from Grandma’s Garden

Where: South Grounds, outdoor expositions

We introduce basic medicinal plants and herbs that we normally consume in our diet. We also explain the difference between poisonous and medicinal plants.

The Cream of the Crop

Where: South Grounds, outdoor expositions

This program introduces the most interesting items in the South Grounds. Engaging activities help children learn about the largest or oldest trees. They can see a dinosaur footprint and become pandas for a while in our bamboo meadow. The guide will also show them the most attractive plants in the given season.


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