At the southern boundary of a meadow covered with the short American prairie grass, commonly known as bison grass (Buchloe dactyloides), and bordered by towering conifers, lies a WETLAND, comprising of a garden peat bog and a pond.
The garden peat bog is truly exceptional, providing a habitat for rare and captivating plant species. Lush green sphagnum and hair cap moss enhance the pond's surroundings. The pond's natural appearance is enhanced by the presence of low willows, dwarf birch, pines, and spruces. This combination of the pond, peat bog, and carefully positioned trees creates a captivating miniature natural landscape.
The construction of the peat bog mirrors that of the adjacent pond. Its base consists of impermeable foil, with pipes that have drilled holes for water inflow. Above the drainage layer, which comprises approximately 20 cm of quartz pebbles, lies a geotextile, followed by a layer of peat that extends up to half a meter in depth. Mosses and carefully chosen plants were then planted in the peat layer.
Bottom watering has proven highly effective for us. As water traverses through the drainage and peat layers, it undergoes filtration, acidification, and the infusion of essential humic organic substances required for the thriving ecosystem and its stability. When the peat bog is replenished from above using tap water, it prevents the mixing of layers, and the chemistry of the upper layer is adversely altered. This leads to poor moss growth and infestation with grasses.
One of the most intriguing aspects of this habitat is the presence of carnivorous plants. Their existence is linked to this environment and cultivating some of these species in "unnatural" conditions can be quite challenging. The North American sundew, Drosera filiformis, stands out with its long, thread-like leaves. Czech round-leaved sundew (D. rotundifolia) forms rosettes of round leaves on elongated stalks. The purple pitcher plant (Sarracenia purpurea) is the sole member of the pitcher plant family that can endure Czech winters. Additionally, we have successfully overwintered the unusual Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) in the peat bog for several years.
When the American cranberry (Oxycoccus macrocarpa) is in bloom, it truly catches the eye. This North American native is larger in size compared to lingonberries or small cranberries. Its fruits are harvested and used for making preserves or drying in the United States. They are also available in Czechia. Among the diminutive shrubs, there are several representatives from the heath family, including the genera Ledum, Kalmia, and Andromeda.
Another fascinating plant to note is the arctic raspberry, Rubus x stellarcticus. Among the remaining species, there are the charming marsh violet (Viola palustris) with its round leaves and the intriguing marsh cinquefoil (Potentilla palustris) adorned with brownish-purple flowers. In the grasses category, you will encounter the tufted bullrush (Trichophorum cespitosum) and the hare-tail cottongrass (Eriophorum vaginatum). Rare in nature is the small bur-reed (Sparganium minimum) with its broad, flat, and vibrant green leaves.
There are also interesting perennials in the vicinity of the pond, especially a collection of coral bells.