24. 2. 2024

OPEN THAT BOTTLE NIGHT | Tasting the best from the St. Claire's Vineyard

On the last Saturday of February, we will open our archive in the wine shop as part of the worldwide "Open That Bottle Night" event. An evening that is special just because you open "THAT" bottle that you saved for a special occasion. A limited number of bottles of successful wines from previous vintages, which are no longer on offer, will be on sale.

Most of us keep a bottle in the cellar for festive or special occasions (birthdays, graduations, weddings...). Then, when we open the bottle at the given event, we usually focus more on other pleasures than the contents of the bottle, which will remain somewhat forgotten. That is why the last Saturday evening is celebrated as "The Night You Open the Bottle" - a day that becomes extraordinary just by enjoying an exceptional bottle.


Archive wines will be on offer on Saturday 24/02/2023 during the entire opening hours of the wine shop from 10.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.


The St Claire`s Wine Shop is located in the heart of the botanical garden in the area called "Ornamental Garden". (map).

The fastest way is through the "Goat path" from bus stop No. 112 or 234 "Zoo Praha - Troja" or by walking through the vineyard by the entrance at the box office in Trojská Street at bus stop No. 112 or 234 "Kovárna".


Good wine is meant to be drunk, but great wine is made to be shared. So cherish these bottles and enjoy them with your friends or family and create memories that will last forever!